11AUG2024 Reef Check Re-Launches Hawaii Program

Did you know the first ever Reef Check survey was conducted in Kaua’i, Hawai’i, USA?!

Reef Check is happy to announce that we are coming back to the place it all started! That’s right, Reef Check Hawaii is relaunching this Fall and you can be a part of it!

Hi I am Brad Giles, Coordinator for Reef Check Hawaii.

The Hawaiian Islands are home to some of the most remote, nearshore reef systems in the world. Leading to a large percentage of marine organisms being “endemic,” or as I like to put it…only found here in Hawaii! With such a unique and diverse ecosystem it is imperative we understand as much as we can about it.

At Reef Check Hawaii, our objective is to provide researchers, government agencies, scientists, and non-governmental organizations with consistent, accurate data to review, analyze and ultimately make informed decisions.

We do this by training local community members and visitors to become citizen scientist divers so together we can survey the health of our reef systems.

The question today is, “How can I help?”

You can take immediate action today in three easy steps!

  1.  Sign up for the Reef Check Hawaii Monthly eNewsletter for program updates.
  2.  Follow us on Social Media for in the moment updates, fun critter facts, and all things Reef Check Hawaii:
  3. Donate to Reef Check Hawaii and help launch us towards our next 100 surveys. Various levels! Check out the limited edition T-Shirt, only 150 available! Or maybe you want to sponsor our monthly eNewsletter! Check it out!

You make the difference! Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

Happy Diving!


Reef Check Hawaii re-launches this Fall and you can be part of it! Take immediate action TODAY in three easy steps:


Help launch the program and support our next 100 surveys! Check out the various donation levels!


Sign up for the Reef Check Hawaii Monthly eNewsletter for program updates and milestones!


Follow us on Social Media for in the moment updates, fun critter facts, and all things Reef Check Hawaii!

EcoDiver – Hawaii

We train and lead citizen scientist volunteers to survey the health of our local coral reefs. Reef Check provides researchers, government agencies, scientists, and non-governmental organizations with data for review, analysis, and ultimately to assist in informed decision making. Get ready to dive with purpose and check out our EcoDiver Page!

Hawaii Marine Life

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