December 1, 2003

Voice of Nemo Helps Create PSA for Reef Check Hawai’i

December 2003 – Alexander Gould, the child actor who is the voice of Nemo the clownfish in the hit Disney film “Finding Nemo” spent his Thanksgiving Holiday filming a Public Service Video for Reef Check.

Alexander’s whole family are long-time ocean lovers and Mom Valerie, a former actor herself, wanted to do something to help coral reefs. The short video that promotes coral reef conservation and Reef Check will be made available freely to cruise lines and airlines.

The video was sponsored by Hagen, the aquarium equipment manufacturer, the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative and Reef Check. The director, Dirk Hagen volunteered his holiday to make the film with assistance from underwater photographer Jeff. Robert Kinzie of Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology also gave up his holiday to provide a calm location for filming in the water. Dodging some record-setting rains, a group of Hawaiian children also joined Alexander at Ala Moana beach for the filming.

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Dirk Hagen, an experienced director, volunteered to make the Public Service Video. Dr. Robert Kinzie of HIMB, and friends, Ming, Tasha and Cara Hodgson
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Underwater photographer Jeff and HCRI staff member prepare for
Hawaii children filming with Alexander Gould Ala Moana Beach
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RC Hawaii celebration at Aloha Tower — From left: Gregor Hodgson,
RC Hawaii Coordinators Matt Zimmerman, Dave Raney, Shaunti Kiehl, and friends.
Emma, Kelly and Alexander Gould with new friend Cara and Tasha