March 24, 2008

Support Reef Check While Surfing the Web with

A new search engine project,, has just made its online debut. Dedicated exclusively to the environment, 50% of gross revenues generated from the search engine’s users will go directly to benefit some of the nation’s top environmental organizations, including Reef Check. is a fundraising tool that will work 24/7 to help provide funding for these organizations to help them reach their organizational goals. All you have to do is use the next time you search the web. Websites and blogs can also make an impact by putting a search widget on their site for their users or direct them to to develop their custom home page. In addition, its AJAX portal option offers users a means of customizing their home page as well as access to a wide variety of information and tools from across the Web. Each organization’s portal includes specific widgets and news that support its initiatives. The environmental community will also appreciate the “Environment” category offers.

To learn more about how the everyday task of Web searching can benefit some of the nation’s top environmental organizations, visit the search engine project online at