November 15, 2013

Reef Check Launches Adopt-A-Reef Partnership With Edison International

On November 16 at Casino Point Dive Park in Avalon, California, Reef Check will officially launch the Catalina Island Adopt-A-Reef partnership with Edison International, parent company of Southern California Edison. Reef Check Board of Directors and staff, Edison International employee volunteers, and members from the Catalina community will assist with the all-day event including reef monitoring surveys and education on conservation of reefs.

Reef Check’s Adopt-A-Reef program seeks partnerships with California’s corporate brands for sponsorship and support of the monitoring of California’s reefs and kelp forests. Through its partnerships with the companies, the Adopt-A-Reef program will leverage the support of local businesses to sponsor volunteer community teams to monitor the health of their marine ecosystems. Saturday’s initiative is being funded by a grant from Edison International. Over the next year, Reef Check, volunteers and Catalina community members will perform 72 monitoring transects and survey more than 7,000 feet of reef each year on the Casino Point Reef.