Las Vegas, Nevada — Reef Check Spokesperson and Actress, Kelly Hu, helped open “Sharks 3-D”, an amazing IMAX film in 3D on December 16, 2004. She was joined by two other ReefCheck parters, Jean-Michel Cousteau of Ocean Futures Society and Brennen Van Dyke, Regional Director of United Nations Environment Programme. The film has a very strong conservation message, focusing on overfishing of sharks worldwide.
Here is an excerpt from Kelly Hu’s speech at the “Sharks 3D” premiere in Las Vegas:
Having grown up in Hawaii, I have always had an appreciation for coral reefs and respect for sharks…Coral reefs cover only 0.2% of the ocean’s area…yet they provide a home for one-third of all marine fish species, including many sharks and tens of thousands of other organisms. They serve a crucial role in maintaining the sensitive balance that enables life to exist…
Coastal development, overfishing, and marine pollution are not only threatening the reefs themselves, but are also upsetting our earth’s delicate balance. Sharks are especially threatened by overfishing, particularly shark-finning for shark’s fin soup…
I had the opportunity to witness the importance of coral reef conservation when I visited Fiji and saw the difference that Reef Check is making in the villages there. Reef Check and Jean-Michel’s Ocean Futures Society are working together to train local people how to care for the reefs — we can not fail to protect them…
Please support organizations such as Reef Check and Jean Michel’s Ocean Future’s Society…I believe there will be a day when we will live in harmony with our environment and become a part of this global ecosystem without destroying it.
-Kelly Hu, Reef Check Spokesperson
From left to right: Reef Check Director Gregor Hodgson, “Sharks 3D” Executive Producer Francois Mantello, Academy Award-winning Songrwriter and Reef Check supporter Carol Connors, “Sharks 3D” Director Jean-Jacques Mantello, Actor Kimberly Burke, Director of Photography Gavin McKinney, and Actor and Reef Check spokesperson Kelly Hu stand in front an inflatable whale shark at the “Sharks 3D” premiere in Las Vegas, Nevada.