October 9, 2008

Reef Check Dominican Republic To Hold 2nd Annual Fundraiser October 23rd


Reef Check Dominican Republic will celebrate its annual fundraising event, Reef Rhythms, at the Hard Rock Café Santo Domingo on October 23rd at 8:00 p.m. After a successful first event in 2007 that raised over US$20,000 and involved over 25 private sponsors, Reef Check DR will invite people to enjoy the music of four different artists that will bring reef conservation to a higher level.
Guests will not only enjoy a great party, but they will also raise funds and learn about local conservation efforts to protect the La Caleta Marine Protected Area, where Reef Check DR is working to better manage this important MPA and produce short term results that Dominicans can relate to and understand.
For more information, contact Ruben Torres at info@reefcheckdr.org