Dive in! This adventurous tale is a sequel to the popular “Cabo and Coral Go Surfing!” and “Cabo and Coral’s Secret Surf Spot!” books by Dr. Udo Wahn. These are educational and inspirational books for the ocean-minded child, and Reef Check has contributed information about its Baja program for incorporation into Cabo and Coral’s latest adventure.
In “Reef Explorers,” the author reveals his thoughts on sharing and preserving our precious ocean resources. The vibrant captivating art and Dr. Wahn’s insight provides children with tips on how they can be responsible for keeping our ocean reefs protected, and how to live the aloha spirit. Children will learn about sustainable fishing, Marine Protected Areas, and gain an understanding of how ocean reefs play an important role in the overall balance of our planet.
Please visit www.caboandcoral.com for more information.