September 13, 2007

Reef Check California Receives Grant for Emergency Oxygen Kits from Diver’s Alert Network (DAN)


Reef Check California’s program is proud to announce that RCCA has received a Diver’s Alert Network (DAN) Oxygen Grant. Through the Oxygen Grant Program, DAN provides DAN Oxygen Units to deserving departments, public safety diving teams and organizations that can demonstrate critical operational and financial need. The DAN Grant provided RCCA with 3 Rescue Paks and 1 Extended Rescue Pak, which includes emergency oxygen cylinders and delivery devices. These units housed in waterproof pelican cases are an important addition to the RCCA diver safety program and will be carried by RCCA staff to provide an additional layer of safety when diving. One unit will be located at the San Diego field office, one at the Pacific Palisades headquarters office, and one Rescue Pak and the Extended Pak will be located at the Santa Cruz field office. Keep your eyes out for training opportunities in the upcoming newsletter this winter as RCCA will be offering training as DAN Emergency Oxygen Providers free of charge to certified RCCA divers who completed at least one survey in 2007!