June 12, 2013

Oakley to Match Up to $25,000 in Donations to Reef Check

Reef Check would like to welcome Oakley, Inc., aboard as a new sponsor! Oakley will be matching up to $25,000USD in donations to Reef Check, which has been named the official charitable partner of the Oakley Pro Bali.

“At Oakley, we believe that everything in this world can and will be made better,” said Jennifer Walker, Oakley Community Relations Program Manager. “We apply this philosophy not only to our product innovations, but to our philanthropic efforts as well. The Oakley Pro Bali is an incredible platform to raise awareness and funds for an important global issue: reef health and conservation, through our partnership with Reef Check Foundation.”

“We are really pleased to partner with Oakley to help coral reefs in Bali,” said Dr. Gregor Hodgson, Executive Director at Reef Check. “Without healthy reefs, we won’t have fish to eat or good waves to surf.”

Oakley will match up to $25,000USD in donations made on June 18 – 29, 2013 to support Reef Check Indonesia. For each $25USD donation, donors will receive one entry into the Sweepstakes, sponsored by SurfCredits for a chance to win an 11 day trip at the Wavepark Mentawai Resort, a free Oakley t-shirt (while supplies last) and $75USD in discounts from surf industry partners. Visit http://surfcredits.org/support/bali to make your donation and be entered into the contest.

Oakley guests in Bali for the Oakley Pro will participate in a Reef Check Marine Education Session, learning alongside local students the impact healthy reefs have on the environment and how to contribute to their preservation. Oakley has also partnered with the local schools and community to conduct pre and post event beach clean-ups surrounding the contest site at Keramas.

Stop No. 5 of 10 of the 2013 ASP World Championship Tour, the Oakley Pro Bali runs from June 18 – 29, 2013, thanks in part, to the support of valued event partner Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.

Watch the contest unfold live and find out more on the partnership at www.oakleyprobali.com.