April 6, 2007

Nor/Cen Cal – 2007 Survey Plan ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

The survey season is upon us and below are the priority sites for the Central California region this year. We have been approached by some academic researchers to collaborate with them on three exciting studies this year. All these studies will fit under the over arching goal of providing a comprehensive baseline monitoring assessment of the new MPAs that are set to go into effect next year in the central coast region. Please read on below to see the sites and objective of each project. The first 3 sites we need to get done ASAP are the Breakwater, Aquarium, and Lover’s Pt. Kristy and Ian are going to be out at Lover’s Pt. this Saturday (4/7) @ 9:00 and they can sure use some help to get us off on the right fin this year!!!

Objective: Continue the comparison study that was started in 2006 between PISCO and RCCA. Divers survey the same area for fish, invertebrates, algae, and substrate (UPC) using their respective methods no more that 3 days apart. The goal is to compare the relative error between the density and species richness gathered during shallow subtidal (0 – 20 m) underwater visual census.

Time: One-time surveys will be completed in the summer of 2007

SITES                    NOLAT    WESTLONG
MacAbee              36.6184 -121.8976 PISCO downcoast
Hopkins               36.6219 -121.9017 PISCO upcoast
Otter Pt.                36.6349 -121.9200
Pescadero           36.5623 -121.9596
Stillwater               36.5630 -121.9459
South Monastery  36.5243 -121.9306
Weston                  36.5112 -121.9463

Objective: collaborate with PISCO and other researchers to provide a comprehensive survey of the new Central Coast MPAs before they are implemented.

Time: One-time surveys will be completed in the summer and fall of 2007

SITES                    NOLAT    WESTLONG
Breakwater            36.6105 -121.8943
Aquarium               36.6189 -121.8997
Lover’s Pt               36.6261 -121.9109
Lucas Pt.                36.6378 -121.9232
Asilomar                 36.6363 -121.9436
Pt. Joe                     36.6127 -121.9623
Carmel River          36.5481 -121.9366
North Monastery    36.5268 -121.9265
Middle Reef            36.5225 -121.9386
Pt. Sur South          36.3009 -121.8933
Copper Pt. North    36.2767 -121.8637

Objective: To provide data at three points during the year at selected survey sites to determine if higher frequency sampling has a significant effect in controlling the variability of data collected in shallow subtidal underwater visual census surveys for fish invertebrates, and algae.

Time: Surveys will be completed in the spring, summer and fall of 2007

SITES                    NOLAT    WESTLONG
Breakwater            36.6105 -121.8943
Aquarium               36.6189 -121.8997
Lover’s Pt.              36.6261 -121.9109
