The Transect Line – September/October 2018
Through Nov 2, AmazonSmile is donating 5% (10x the usual amount) to Reef Check Foundation when you shop at

Reef Check Members Convene at the First International Scuba Diving Sustainability Workshop

In October, Reef Check Italy hosted the first International Scuba Diving Sustainability Workshop, bringing together members of the academic, marine management, education, and business communities to discuss the current state of scuba diving and the current and future role of citizen science divers. The Workshop was a great opportunity for members of the Reef Check family to connect and share ideas and experiences.

Video Spotlight: Big Sur, California

What does it look like when Reef Check California descends into Big Sur’s wild waters? Something like this!

Every summer Reef Check volunteers survey the untamed Big Sur coastline as part of our annual subtidal monitoring in California. This year we completed all of our sites, installed temperature data loggers, had a blast, and even got the whole thing on video!

“Bid for the Oceans” Online Auction Raises Key Funds for Reef Check

Between October 1-11, the Reef Check Foundation held its first online auction! Thanks to all of our wonderful donors and supporters, over $30,000 was raised to support our education, conservation, and research programs around the globe. Many thanks to all those who placed a bid, generously donated an item for auction, or invited family and friends to participate.

Reef Check Malaysia Participates in Nationwide Coastal Clean-up

On September 22nd, Reef Check Malaysia joined numerous partners across Malaysia to participate in the 32nd International Coastal Clean-up Day. Nearly 4,000 volunteers helped clean up beaches at 84 locations around Malaysia, collecting nearly 7,500 kg (16,534 lbs) of trash.

Reef Check Partners with USX to Turn Veterans into EcoDivers

Thanks to the sponsorship of the non-profit U.S. veteran organization USX, Reef Check Course Director Nikole Heath led an EcoDiver training for 7 US veterans off the coast of Pompano Beach, Florida.

New EcoDiver Team Trained in Kona, Hawaii

Meet the newest EcoDiver team in Hawaii- Team Aquatic Life Divers! Based in Kona, Aquatic Life Divers completed its first Reef Check EcoDiver training program on October 19-21 and look forward to continuing Reef Check activities in Hawaii.

Reef Check in the News

Citizen Science Kelp Forest Monitoring – California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Protected Area Management Program e-news (California, USA)

Reef Check California brings citizen scientists to the North Coast – Ft. Bragg Advocate-News (California, USA)

Becoming a citizen scientist – Oceanographic Magazine

‘Regular reef checks can help identify new dive sites, aid coral preservation’ – The Scoop (Brunei)

‘Love Tioman’ campaign is paying off with healthy coral reefs on Malaysian diver’s paradise – (Malaysia)

Save Corals And Seashells By Shifting To Alternatives, Says Green Group – (Philippines)

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Reef Check, 13723 Fiji Way, Ste B2, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA