Reef Check has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund Reef Check California surveys of the Channel Islands.
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, located off the coast of Santa Barbara and Ventura counties in California, is one of 14 federally designated marine protected areas in US waters. The sanctuary surrounds Channel Islands National Park, a remote area, which contains 175 miles of undeveloped coastline. The islands are situated in a unique position, located where cool nutrient-rich waters from the north converge with warmer currents from the south, and provide an environment for a variety of endangered species, thriving kelp forests and sensitive habitats not found anywhere else along the California coast. The northern Channel Islands are home to the largest aggregation of blue whales in the world with approximately 10% of the worldwide population visiting their waters in the summer months.
Over the past ten years, Reef Check has collected a tremendous amount of data on the marine life at 16 survey sites at Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel islands. In the past, these surveys have been conducted with much smaller vessels (and much smaller teams of divers). Unfortunately, in the past few years some of these vessels have gone out of service while the ones that remain lack the capability to reach to the more remote sites on some of the outer islands. Money from this campaign will go toward chartering a larger vessel which can accommodate 30 Reef Check California trained citizen scientists for a multi-day survey expedition with an extended range, being able to reach even the most distant islands. This opportunity to stay at sea for an extended period of time with a large group will allow us to maximize our efforts and resources to survey as many sites as possible during our expedition.
Our goal is to document what is happening beneath the waves along the 175 miles of undeveloped coastline along the islands. We will lead a team of trained volunteer citizen scientists to scuba dive and survey fish and other species using scientific protocols that are integrated with studies being done throughout the rest of California. At each place we stop, a team of roughly two dozen volunteer scientific divers will enter the water, and using well established scientific protocols, will count fish, invertebrates and seaweed to come up with a comprehensive picture of what the marine life along these islands looks like. The data we collect will be made available through our online Global Reef Tracker ( so that fisheries managers, researchers and the public can view and analyze what we find.
In addition to all the biological data we plan to collect, if this expedition is funded, our goal is to document the work and the ecosystems we find using Google Ocean’s latest specialized underwater camera to take panorama or “underwater street view” photos. We will upload these to Google Maps to help raise awareness of the conservation issues in this unique environment. Climate change, plastics pollution, invasive species, oil spills, large scale marine disease–our oceans are changing. Please help us respond to these changes by gathering the information necessary to adapt our management of these unique waters.
Visit to contribute to the campaign. Booking information for the expedition can be found here: