November 24, 2008

International Year of the Reef November Update

By U.S. NGO Facilitator for IYOR 2008 Mary Luna
What better time to release the latest “Status of Coral Reefs of the World” report than during the event that will celebrate the culmination of the International Year of the Reef? This event will be held at the National Aquarium in Washington DC on December 9, 2008. Government and non-government representatives from all over the world will be invited to attend.  This is the fourth “Status of Coral Reefs of the World” report, produced with the collaboration of groups such as the Australian Institute of Marine Science, The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, REEFBASE, the World Conservation Union, Reef Check, the Coral Reef Alliance, the International Coral Reef Action Network, NOAA, the Australian Government, and WWF. Report editor, Dr. Clive Wilkinson, will be present at the event to discuss the latest coral reef trends.
If you have been looking for some inspiration to get your “Year of the Reef “ song video going, go to the Singing Contest Website and check out the videos submitted by both the Taiwan and Trinidad and Tobago groups!  Both countries have done an excellent job at giving the “Year of the Reef” song a local feel.  So grab your group mates, some local instruments and a video recorder, and go to your favorite hangout to film while you sing.  Then upload your video to our website.  You will have learned about reefs and will have a chance to win $1000, $600, or $300. But don’t wait too long, the contest closes for submissions on December 31, 2008!
And if you thought Photo Contest fun was over… think again!  Oceanic Worldwide and Reef Check are partnering to create a Marine Eco-Awareness calendar that celebrates the accomplishments of IYOR 2008 by featuring images from the contest and information about the world’s reefs.  Keep your eyes open; this can be the perfect green-marine holiday present!

Speaking of photos, the photography exhibition by amateur photographers titled “Paradise Despoiled: The World’s Threatened Coral Reefs” will showcase the beauty and the magnificence of reefs and marine environments, and also the human impacts that threaten them.  The exhibition, a contribution to IYOR 2008, will be held at Morse College of Yale University on Sunday, November 30, 2008.  If you are in the area, make sure to stop by! For more information please contact Tse Yang Lim at