Experience the Red Sea in the best way possible. A one week liveaboard safari with Ghazala I. Enjoy the colorful soft-corals, fascinating variety of fishes and with some luck even Sharks and Manta Rays may be encountered. A special extra on this safari is that you will be accompanied by marine biologists. Under their supervision and using the system of Reef Check the divers will learn how to estimate reef damage and growth, fish population and the connection of the reef, their inhabitants and the influence of men. The information gained is important to estimate the coral reef situation around the world. Even with one or two Reef Check dives each day there is still plenty of time for fun-dives and relaxation.
Sinai Divers will donate 10% of the earnings to Reef Check to support this very important organization.
For more information, check out http://www.reefcheck.de/ or book directly at http://www.sinaidivers.com/.