June 22, 2012

Cousteau Visits Reef Check Dominican Republic


Submitted by Karen Pannocchia, Reef Check Dominican Republic Executive Director

Environmental scientist, Pierre-Yves Cousteau, the son of famous oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, visited the Dominican Republic as part of an international court day which seeks to perpetuate and strengthen environmental awareness around the world. The younger Cousteau has been continuing his father’s legacy by teaching future generations about environmental conservation. On June 19th 2012 Pierre-Yves Cousteau dove at La Caleta National Underwater Park, an ocean conservation area co-managed by Reef Check Dominican Republic.

While helping the environment, the park also benefits local residents. La Caleta provides an alternative income for the nearby fishing community; many local fishermen have been trained in Reef Check and now manage a small ecotourism business, El Carey Aquatic Center, located at the park. This center now allows fishermen to offer ecotourism activities and dive equipment rentals to support themselves, their families, and La Caleta National Underwater Park. For more information visit www.reefcheckdr.org.