The Allen Coral Atlas team is excited to release an incredible new feature. Atlas users can now sign up for bleaching alerts for their favorite coral reef areas! This is timely as we are in the development of El Niño, which calls for a high probability of coral bleaching worldwide.
Here’s how it works: every two weeks, new bleaching data is uploaded to the Atlas. This monitoring data is cued by the NOAA Coral Reef Watch (Bleaching Alert Level 1). Log on to the Atlas and sign up for alerts for a country’s marine region, a marine protected area or draw a custom reef area of interest and you’ll receive an email notifying you whenever there’s been bleaching detected in that area. It’s like having a direct line of communication with the reefs themselves!
The goal is to assist coral reef managers, decision-makers, scientists, and anyone with a passion for these magnificent ecosystems by providing valuable information about coral bleaching at various scales, helping everyone stay informed about the state of our reefs.