Did you know that in addition to long-term monitoring and kelp restoration, Reef Check also has a climate change project? That’s right! We track temperature changes using oceanographic sensors, or Coastal Canaries, at almost 100 monitoring sites along the Pacific coast and at six of them, we measure changes in ocean acidification and hypoxia. This valuable information helps us understand the effects of climate change on ocean life and how to mitigate them.
Like canaries in a coal mine, these sensors detect delicate shifts in our kelp forests before more drastic impacts surface. As climate change alters the oceans, this data allows us to monitor and mitigate its effects and paints a fuller picture of our changing kelp forest ecosystem.
Our temperature loggers tough out 6 to 12 month deployments before they’re retrieved and swapped out with fresh units to continue the mission— that means we need to replace them, and we need your help to do that.
We want to raise enough money to buy 100 temperature loggers to continue this important project. We think they are priceless (but they actually cost $95 each)!
Can you help us by sponsoring a temp logger with a $95 donation?
Adopt a Coastal Canary and we will send you a one-of-a-kind token of gratitude unique to this project, along with the serial number of the temp logger you purchased, and its site location once deployed!