The Transect Line – November/December 2017
2017 Year in Review
Your help this year allowed Reef Check to achieve our 2017 goals in education, research and conservation. We are very grateful to all for contributing to our successes. Please help us to continue Reef Check’s global efforts to educate young people and to conserve what we love. Your generous contributions make what we do possible. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution for your favorite reefs at:

Reef Check California Launches Climate Change Research Project

In order to study climate change at locations and scales that are relevant to California’s nearshore rocky reefs and kelp forests, Reef Check has installed very accurate instruments measuring temperature, ocean pH and dissolved oxygen at Reef Check survey sites throughout the state.

California Fish and Game Commission Closes Last Remaining Abalone Fishery in California

This month, the California Fish and Game Commission unanimously voted to close the Northern California recreational red abalone fishery for one year. Reef Check, in collaboration with the Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coast Oceans (PISCO), provided red abalone and ecosystem data that helped the Commissioners make an informed decision.

Reef Check Malaysia Receives Top Environmental Award

Congratulations are in order for Reef Check Malaysia, which was just recognized for being the best NGO in Pahang State, based on its extensive community work.

RC Expedition Facilitates Coral Reef Reconstruction in Bangka Island

RC Italy’s expedition to Indonesia’s Bangka Island contributes to the reconstruction of coral reefs.

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Reef Check, 13723 Fiji Way, Ste B2, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA